Morgan Fellows Program
The Burton Morgan Fellows Program cultivates select Ashbrook Scholars at Ashland University to become leaders in business and the public sphere who understand and advance the principles of free enterprise. In honor of Ashland University business professors, Lucille Ford and John Fraas, each Fellow receives a Frass-Ford Scholarship to aid with their tuition at Ashland.
Students in the program must have been accepted into the Ashbrook Scholar Program and have a major or minor offered by the College of Business and Economics or in Political Economy.
Programming and Curriculum
Leadership in free enterprise requires certain important qualities and virtues. Intellectually, it has two key components: a deep understanding of the economic way of thinking and a sound grasp of the moral and political principles that animate the free market. Morally it requires the qualities of integrity and sound judgment that are essential for leadership. The selection of programming and curriculum for the Morgan Fellows Program is organized around the cultivation of these intellectual and moral qualities.
In addition to being full participants in the Ashbrook Scholar Program with all of its educational and professional opportunities, Morgan Fellows will have the opportunity to participate in a field trip to a center of commerce such as the New York Stock Exchange or the Chicago Merchantile Exchange.
How to Apply
Interested in becoming a Morgan Fellow? First, apply to be an Ashbrook Scholar, but mention your interest in the Morgan Fellows Program in your application. When you are interviewed for the Ashbrook program, your interest in being a Morgan Fellow will be noted and considered as well.